From the 13th to the 16th November 2015, Project Forum hosted the seventh annual Central European Forum, looking at the mass dissemination of disinformation and exploring how this affects the way we perceive the world around us.

About the Central European Forum in 2015:
In her famous essay Truth and Politics, Hannah Arendt argued that “freedom of opinion is a farce unless factual information is guaranteed”. In the countries of the ex-Eastern Bloc, people still remember how dangerous factual information was deemed to be under dictatorship. Yet, recently we have seen that it can be just as dangerous to a democracy when factual information is drowned out by myths, half truths and disinformation. Something which in the autumn of 2015 was seen to be particularly true as Europe was plunged into a major crisis.
Starting in late summer 2015, Central and Eastern Europe, much of which only celebrated its psychological and physical return to Europe in the autumn of 1989, started sliding back to the margins of Europe for reasons very different from those in the 20th century. It was not so much the influx of refugees which the region seemed to be so worked up about, as the the influx of myths, half-truths and disinformation which help to formulate opinions and thus often comprise the real danger.
On the eve of the anniversary of the Velvet Revolution, Central European Forum 2015 thusly provided a platform for the local population and writers, sociologists and political scientists from all over Europe to discuss the causes and possible solutions to the rise in disinformation. At the close of the first Central European Forum in 2009, Václav Havel said that “Slovakia enjoys a special position in our region” “as it is the only country that shares borders with all Central European countries, a position which seems to predestine it to discuss Central Europe and its relationship with other regions, Europe and the world as a whole”. In 2015, the seventh Central European Forum continued to stay true to Havel’s words and invited visitors to join them once more in Bratislava, as they turned their attention to disinformation, its forms, its rise and the impact it was starting to have upon the region.
To watch recordings of the debates at the 2015 edition of the Central European Forum, merely click on one of the dates below.
The opening ceremony
Egon Gál, Pavel Tychtl and Robin Gosejohann
The problem with memory
Memory helps shape our lives and two totalitarian regimes have left an indelible mark on Europe’s present, especially in terms of our attitude to refugees, to Russia and to our common European home. What does historical memory mean and what can we understand as its converse: is it amnesia or doctored memory?
Eva Hoffman and Bernhard Schlink
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Good Putin
How much of Europe and how much of Asia have the countries of the former Soviet Union inherited? And, which of these legacies is most dominant in the countries of Central Europe?
Artemy Troitsky, Viktor Yerofeyev and Oksana Zabuzhko
The New Enlightenment
Is there something hypocritical about the values of pluralism and tolerance Europe has been built upon? Has the time come to rethink the Enlightenment?
Leonidas Donskis, Patrik Ouředník and Haris Pašović
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Salon of the independents
On autonomous thinking, critique of capitalism and the Kremlin’s arguments.
Tony Curzon Price and Sławomir Sierakowski
Welcome to Europe!
(click here for the full recording)
In the countries that used to constitute the Eastern bloc, politicians right across the political spectrum oppose migration. They base their arguments on concerns about the influx of different cultures, yet does co-habitation with people with different ways of life, for example with Muslim communities, actually entail any real dangers for the inhabitants of Eastern Europe?
Shams Asadi, Ivan Krastev, Olumine Popoola and Michal Hvorecký
Visegrád under fire
What has happened to the Europe of the Visegrád Four?
Adam Michnik, Martin C. Putna, Martin M. Šimečka and Gaspar Miklós Tamás
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Téma 2015:
“Bez toho, aby boli zaručené overené fakty, je sloboda názoru fraškou,” napísala pred mnohými rokmi Hannah Arendt v slávnej eseji Pravda a politika. Si pamätáme, aké nebezpečné boli tieto overené fakty pre diktatúru. Teraz vidíme, že pre demokraciu je rovnako nebezpečné, ak sa fakty strácajú uprostred mýtov, poloprávd a dezinformácií. Dvojnásobne to platí uprostred najväčšej krízy, v ktorej sa Európa ocitla. Naša časť sveta, región, ktorý sa na jeseň 89 s takým nadšením mentálne aj fakticky vrátil do Európy, sa posledných mesiacoch a týždňoch znovu – aj keď z celkom iného dôvodu ako v 20. storočí – posúva späť na jej okraj.
Bezprostredným dôvodom nie je len príliv utečencov, z ktorých má náš región obavu, ale príliv spomínaných mýtov, poloprávd a dezinformácií.
V predvečer výročia Novembrovej revolúcie budú o príčinách a možných východiskách diskutovať – spoločne s prítomnou verejnosťou – spisovatelia, sociológovia a politológovia z celej Európy. “Slovensko má v regióne zvláštne postavenie,” napísal po prvom ročníku Stredoeurópskeho fóra Václav Havel, jeden z jeho prvých hostí. “Ako jediné má spoločnú hranicu so všetkými stredoeurópskymi štátmi a je teda tak trochu predurčené k debatám o Strednej Európe, o jej vzťahu k ostatným regiónom, k Európe a k svetu ako celku.”
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