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The Central European Forum, 2014 – Us and Them
326 326 Time To Talk
2014's CEF focussed on the concept of "us and them", on 25 years of post-communism in the former Eastern bloc and on emerging societal divisions. Participants came together to discuss a quarter century of freedom and the challenges our societies have to face as we look to the future.
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Contemporary news media and fractured bonds of trust
150 150 Time To Talk
Depo analyses the Turkish media and its role in society and politics. With Esra Arsan, Sevda Alankuş and Umut Alphan, they look at the way the media has covered key recent events and consider how trust for traditional media sources has deteriorated.
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25 years after 1989: what has happened to trust in institutions?
150 150 Time To Talk
In the third of its cycle of 25th anniversary debates, The Red House looks at the distrust of institutions and figures of authority that is becoming imbedded in Bulgarian society. Looking at how the situation has developed, The Red House finds itself asking how the process of transition has destroyed trust and if it's still possible to achieve change in its absence?
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25 years after 1989: what has happened to media provision in Bulgaria?
150 150 Time To Talk
In the second of its cycle of 25th anniversary debates, The Red House compares the status of the media in communist Bulgaria with that of its present incarnation. Assessing their levels of independence and the bases of their content, this debate asks, whether the present situation is really any better than that of 1989 and how to ensure that it improves in the future. Watch the video highlights!
25 years after 1989: what has happened to the idea of social equality?
150 150 Time To Talk
The Red House kicks off its cycle of debates looking back at 25 years of post-communism with a debate on social equality. Comparing the situations in Poland and Bulgaria, this debate asks, whether the present situation was inevitable and looks at the way forward - how can Bulgaria ensure social equality for the next generation?
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Agora CE
326 326 Time To Talk
Founded in 1998, Agora CE is a Czech non-profit organisation which aims to enhance communication between local governments, central government bodies and their citizenry. Its primary mission is to support and strengthen democratic processes within Central, Eastern and Southern Europe.
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Quo vadis, Czech education?
150 150 Time To Talk
How does the Czech education system look twenty five years after the collapse of the Soviet Union? Agora CE invites specialists to look at the pros and cons of the national system, asking questions about the current direction, alternatives and appeal; do students, both abroad and at home, have faith in the Czech system and what can be done to improve it?
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(Dis)trusting one another. The various faces of the other in contemporary Europe.
150 150 Time To Talk
Kultura Liberalna tackles the problem of a re-emergent European right, looking at the status of multiculturalism in Europe and asking what steps we need to take to emerge from the fear of the other, which seems to presently be retaking much of the continent. Has multiculturalism failed and what is the future of migration in Europe?
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It will get worse
150 150 Time To Talk
Kultura Liberalna asked how to tackle youth unemployment and resolve the crisis of trust in our labour markets. With high profile speakers, including Peter Szumlewicz and Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, this debate sought to analyse where the problems really lie in today's economic malaise and how these can be overcome to provide us all with a brighter future.
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Eyes wide shut? Will the future of journalism mean we are better informed?
326 326 Time To Talk
What is the future of journalism and will it improve or worsen the information we receive? On the 22nd October, Rachel Briggs, Amie Ferris-Rotman, Raymond Joseph and Richard Sambrook came together at London's renowned Frontline Club to take a closer look at the future of reporting might look like.
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Teenage maternity
150 150 Time To Talk
What happens to young mums in the Czech Republic, how many of them actually are there and what support do they receive? Agora CE and students of Gymnázium Na Vítězné look at the challenges facing girls who become pregnant.
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Europe and the crisis in the Ukrainian Republic
150 150 Time To Talk
The recent crisis has highlighted the conflict of interests caused by Russian resurgence and the EU's expansion in the East. In the run-up to the Ukrainian parliamentary elections, deBuren asked if the EU can guarentee stability and what, if any, meaning international treaties retain in lieu of the means and will to reinforce them.
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