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Art versus Crisis
326 326 Time To Talk
Youth unemployment has rocketed, the value of our currency is falling, what will the consequences of this crisis be? Will emigration become a necessity and how will this all impact upon art: will hardship bring more topics to help inspire or will a critical lack of funding leave it in the mire?
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How non-members see the EU
326 326 Time To Talk
What sort of prospects does European Union membership still have to offer, are countries on the European fringe still casting envious glances in our direction or are they starting to look elsewhere? Representatives from Switzerland and Turkey discuss their countries changing attitudes to the EU.
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The Bulgarian nomads: what happens to Bulgarian workers in Europe?
150 150 Time To Talk
More and more Bulgarians live abroad and even more would jump at the chance were it to be offered to them. What is the reality of their time abroad and what is it that they wish to achieve: do the majority go intending to come home or do they expect it to be a one way trip?
[video highlights] 
Riots and revolutions: Europe’s young radicals?
326 326 Time To Talk
When the Arab Spring was sparked off by youth led protests, a string of copycat demonstrations occurred throughout Europe as the previously apathetic Western youth refound its voice. As Europe's economic woes continue, the Institute of Ideas considers where this new rebelliousness may lead.
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Does today’s youth see in black and white: where does xenophobia come from?
326 326 Time To Talk
What is the attitude of today's youth towards skin colour, how do they perceive racism? How do they feel for example in regard to Roma and the general hostility towards them which exists in many Eastern European countries? Agora debates xenophobia and its perception by today's youth.
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Occupy in “European”
326 326 Time To Talk
In order to keep the memory of political occupations alight, Depot, Vienna, brings us back to Europe and takes a closer look at the European traditions of occupation as a political tool. Examples both past and present are discussed by those with personal experience of what they speak.
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A view from Spain: is this my Europe?
326 326 Time To Talk
With growing anti-Europeanism in this time of economic crisis there are signs that even traditionally pro-European countries are starting to lose their enthusiasm for the European Project. In this climate of pressure and subjectivism CIDOB looks to analyse what it means to be European in the 21st century.
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European Democracy 3.0
326 326 Time To Talk
European Democracy: what is it, how would we design it anew, what do the youth of today see as being the best ways forward for the European Union of the future? Coolpolitics holds a brainstorming session with local members of the generation who will be the next to put these ideas into action.
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Where do we go after Orlov Most [Eagle’s Bridge]?
150 150 Time To Talk
Were the Orlov Most protests the birth of a new Bulgarian civil society, a minority protest or a one-off event? What are the consequences of Orlov Most, is a new and proactive Bulgarian society emerging or was this merely a momentary blip, after which society will, on the whole, remain much as before?
[video highlights]
The future of the welfare state
326 326 Time To Talk
In a time of financial instability and ageing populations what is the way forward for the welfare states we have gotten used to. Do we need to cut them down or can they be retained through intelligent restructuring. If we do have to cut them back, what impact will this have on our societies?
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Will the EU be the death of democracy?
326 326 Time To Talk
With the bureaucratic dominance of EU institutions and during the appointment of a rash of technocrats throughout Europe, the question is being asked, is the EU model potentially a precursor to the death of European democracy? The Academy of Ideas contemplates how this can be resolved going forward.
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Between reason and religion
326 326 Time To Talk
The well known Islamic Philosopher Tariq Ramadan discusses the integration of Muslims within Western societies and the ramification of the Arab Spring. How will it change the relationship between the West and the Middle East and what does it mean for European Muslims?
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