Affiliate Debates

Biometric information and data protection
150 150 Time To Talk
Depot ask just how far we can trust the state to look after our private information. In this debate on biometric information and data protection, they ask where our information ends up, who has access to it and what exactly may the state do with it once it has come into their hands?
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Ukraine: Thinking Together
326 326 Time To Talk
Ukraine: Thinking Together looked back at the last six months in the Ukraine, the historical origins of recent events, how these happenings fit into European traditions of protest and what lessons can be drawn from Yanukovych's downfall and all that has transpired since then. See the lectures!
In the EU we (mis)trust – on the road to the EU elections
326 326 Time To Talk
What is the way forward for the EU? Should we be moving closer together or further apart? At a time in which many distrust the union, ECF and De Balie took a look at what is likely to be on our political horizon in the coming election year.
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Give citizenship a chance
326 326 Time To Talk
While pluralism has become widely accepted in Central Europe, democratic institutions have suffered a rapid decline and a significant loss of credibility. Following Karel Schwarzenberg's observation that “this will never be the West”, Project Forum asks whether we are witnessing the emergence of a specific Central European representative democracy?
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Freedom of speech within the Bulgarian press
150 150 Time To Talk
In this Red House debate a selection of concerned parties look at the results of the recent AEJ survey on Bulgarian press freedoms, seeking both the causes of the present situation and looking at how things could be improved in the future.
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What does the future hold for us and for Russia?
150 150 Time To Talk
Will public dissatisfaction with widespread corruption and the fallibility of key institutes suffice to bring about change or are reactionary mentalities so ingrained and distrust of modernity so prevalent that the near future will continue to mirror much of the country's recent past? The Sakharov Centre looks at the political dynamics in Russia today.
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A time of hope or chaos? An historical evaluation of the events and reforms of the nineties.
150 150 Time To Talk
How do you remember the 90s? In Russia it was a time of turmoil, a time of opportunties and uncertainty. The Sakharov Centre looks back at the decade, which formed the post-communist state and analyse its considerable legacy.
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Is Stalin still with us, why are we still talking about Stalin and Stalinism today?
150 150 Time To Talk
The Sakharov Centre investigates the validity of continuing to discuss Stalin and the crimes of the past in present day Russia, asking whether doing so improves awareness and thus the contemporary situation or merely draws attention to bad examples from a past, which people should be allowed to forget?
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Forgotten Kingdoms
326 326 Time To Talk
In Norman Davies' new book about the hidden history of Europe, forgotten superpowers are analysed. In discussion with Luuk van Middelaar, deBuren gave the author the chance to extrapolate his findings into the present day, adjudging our present political superstructures according to the standards proved by the past.
Watch the video highlights!