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Time to Talk

Art versus Crisis
326 326 Time To Talk
Youth unemployment has rocketed, the value of our currency is falling, what will the consequences of this crisis be? Will emigration become a necessity and how will this all impact upon art: will hardship bring more topics to help inspire or will a critical lack of funding leave it in the mire?
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How non-members see the EU
326 326 Time To Talk
What sort of prospects does European Union membership still have to offer, are countries on the European fringe still casting envious glances in our direction or are they starting to look elsewhere? Representatives from Switzerland and Turkey discuss their countries changing attitudes to the EU.
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The Bulgarian nomads: what happens to Bulgarian workers in Europe?
150 150 Time To Talk
More and more Bulgarians live abroad and even more would jump at the chance were it to be offered to them. What is the reality of their time abroad and what is it that they wish to achieve: do the majority go intending to come home or do they expect it to be a one way trip?
[video highlights] 
Occupy in “European”
326 326 Time To Talk
In order to keep the memory of political occupations alight, Depot, Vienna, brings us back to Europe and takes a closer look at the European traditions of occupation as a political tool. Examples both past and present are discussed by those with personal experience of what they speak.
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A view from Spain: is this my Europe?
326 326 Time To Talk
With growing anti-Europeanism in this time of economic crisis there are signs that even traditionally pro-European countries are starting to lose their enthusiasm for the European Project. In this climate of pressure and subjectivism CIDOB looks to analyse what it means to be European in the 21st century.
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European Democracy 3.0
326 326 Time To Talk
European Democracy: what is it, how would we design it anew, what do the youth of today see as being the best ways forward for the European Union of the future? Coolpolitics holds a brainstorming session with local members of the generation who will be the next to put these ideas into action.
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Is there a culture war on populism?
Live stream – Saturday – 10:00 GMT!
150 150 Time To Talk

Join Frank Furedi (Sociologist, Social Commentator & Author), David Goodhart (Journalist, Author & Head of Demography at Policy Exchange) and Elif Shafak (Political Commentator & award-winning Novelist) for a debate on what populism is and why some populisms are more equal than others. Should we understand the rise of populism as a challenge to our elites’ top-down values or a…

Angela Davis – Revolution today
150 150 Time To Talk

Angela Davis is a political activist and professor emeritus of philosophy. Known for her work for human rights and her opposition to racial discrimination, this lecture saw her discuss the meaning of revolution in our times. This discussion forms part of the CCCB’s Revolution or resistance? discussion series. Click here to find out more about the CCCB & other discussions…

Arundhati Roy – Idea, word and action
150 150 Time To Talk

In Revolution or resistance? Idea, word and action, the internationally acclaimed writer and activist, Arundhati Roy, discussed her work on anti-capitalism and Kashmir and the recent publication of her new novel, The Ministry of Utmost Happiness. English-language video highlights of this debate are being produced and will appear on in the near future. To find out when this and…

Europe’s drama of the foreigner
150 150 Time To Talk
In this Festival of Ideas discussion, Czyżewski, Dichev & Tenev explore the growth in identity politics within Europe and look at the role that the other and the formulation of belonging and foreignness play in our societies and politics.
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Freedom of movement: shifting the paradigm – from crisis to opportunity
150 150 Time To Talk
Freedom of movement is a Red House Festival of Ideas on Europe discussion which features a lecture by Kilian Kleinschmidt with new perspectives on the so-called migrant crisis’ political aspects. Find out more by watching the video highlights on!
Europe after Brexit
150 150 Time To Talk
This session looks at the state of the EU, assessing its current circumstances and its imperative going forwards. Join Torreblanca as he analyses how the return of politics has taken European institutions by surprise and discusses the historical, geographical and demographic factors coming back with a vengeance.
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