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Understanding the populist turn: 10 lessons on populism
326 326 Time To Talk
With a cast of activists, researchers and academics, this debate focuses on the ways in which people have taken decisive action against populism, looking at cases in Hungary and Switzerland and discussing proposals for building successful opposition & alternatives to populist movements.
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The Forum on European Culture: Act for Democracy!
326 326 Time To Talk
The Forum on European Culture returns to look at the role artists and thinkers have played, play and can play in Europe. What role can the arts play in helping the frame the future of Europe at this crucial juncture and how should we all act for democracy?
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Europe and its dissenters – with Gisela Stuart
150 150 Time To Talk
Christian Ultsch & Ivan Krastev speak to the German-born, ex-Labour MP, Gisela Stuart about her motivations for leading the Vote Leave campaign in the Brexit referendum in light of her own European background and about the zeitgeist behind the Brexit vote.
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Reading Orwell today: on freedom & the right to tell people what they don’t want to hear
150 150 Time To Talk
Books such as Animal Farm and 1984 are known worldwide, but what is George Orwell's relevance today, how prescient were his predictions, how do his writings inform us about our own situations and what impact has his work had posthumously?
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What does the future hold for us and for Russia?
150 150 Time To Talk
Will public dissatisfaction with widespread corruption and the fallibility of key institutes suffice to bring about change or are reactionary mentalities so ingrained and distrust of modernity so prevalent that the near future will continue to mirror much of the country's recent past? The Sakharov Centre looks at the political dynamics in Russia today.
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A time of hope or chaos? An historical evaluation of the events and reforms of the nineties.
150 150 Time To Talk
How do you remember the 90s? In Russia it was a time of turmoil, a time of opportunties and uncertainty. The Sakharov Centre looks back at the decade, which formed the post-communist state and analyse its considerable legacy.
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