Posts Tagged :

Slavoj Žižek

What does Europe want?
326 326 Time To Talk
Krytyka Polityczna welcome Slavoj Žižek to Warsaw as they ask - what does Europe want? A discussion between the well-known Slovenian academician and cultural critic and Krytyka Polityczna's very own political commentator, Sławomir Sierakowski.
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Give citizenship a chance
326 326 Time To Talk
While pluralism has become widely accepted in Central Europe, democratic institutions have suffered a rapid decline and a significant loss of credibility. Following Karel Schwarzenberg's observation that “this will never be the West”, Project Forum asks whether we are witnessing the emergence of a specific Central European representative democracy?
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Truth and Love
326 326 Time To Talk
In a time of European crisis the Central European Forum looks at the work of Václav Havel and aks where the rising tide of hatred in our societies is coming from, what role aggressive modern variants of populism are playing in this process and how we can stay true to the core values of love and truth.
Watch the video highlights!