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Stories of each other: do we care?
150 150 Time To Talk
Free Word, in association with Counterpoint Arts, the Islington Centre for Refugees and Migrants & a fantastic cast of renowned international authors, presents an evening of discussion and stories, centred around newly arrived communities, the experience of leaving home and what happens to us when we arrive in a new place.
Watch the video highlights!
The limits of European solidarity: has Europe forgotten Ukraine and Greece?
150 150 Time To Talk
In the wake of the Paris attacks and the migrant crisis, The Red House asks where the limits of European solidarity lie. Do we lack solidarity or are we overwhelmed by conflicting solidarities? And, now that we've moved on to the next crises, are we really still interested in the fates of Ukraine and Greece?
Watch the video highlights!
The exodus to Europe: has migration highlighted a European crisis of social solidarity?
150 150 Time To Talk
Following the summer's Greek crisis, the influx of refugees and migrants has highlighted disagreements in the EU and raised questions about our desire and our ability to come to common agreement. A debate on Grexit, Brexit, humanism, pragmatism, the East/West divide and how to move forwards.
Watch the video highlights!