Flavia Kleiner

150 150 Time To Talk

Flavia Kleiner is the co-founder and co-president of the liberal political organisation, Operation Libero.

Operation Libero was founded by members of the Swiss foreign policy think tank, foraus (its name a play on words, which combines the first letters of its full German title – Forum Außenpolitik – with a similar pronunciation to the word ‘voraus’, which means ‘forwards’ in German) in 2014 and is engaged in promoting international connectedness, freedom, progress and the rule of law.

In 2016, Flavia and Operation Libero established themselves in Swiss politics through their opposition to the SVP referendum iniative for the Implementation of the Expulsion of Criminal Foreigners. Through an extensive campaign, Operation Libero surprised Swiss political analysts by achieving a record referendum turn-out and a surprise defeat of the SVP’s proposal.

Since 2016, Operation Libero has continued to be involved in Swiss politics and is currently engaged in several campaigns on, for example, marriage for all and for a modern, liberal and open Switzerland.

Information valid as of summer 2018.