Adrian Zandberg

150 150 Time To Talk

Adrian Zandberg is a Polish computer scientist, politician and historian, who is best known as one of the leading figures behind the Polish leftist party, Razem.

Adrian grew up in Germany, before returning to Poland to study. While studying, he worked on campaigns with the Polska Partia Socjalistyczna (Polish Socialist Party) and he also subsequently spent time as a chair of the Forum Młodych Unii Pracy (The Youth Forum of the Labour Union). Disagreement around the inclusion of the Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej (Democratic Left Alliance) led to Zandberg leaving the UP and setting up the Młodzi Socjaliści (Young Socialists) with other board members of the FMUP. In 2015, Zandberg co-founded the Partia Razem with former members of the Polish Greens and the Młodzi Socjaliści and was able to gain 3.62 % of the vote in the elections of October that year.

Besides his work in politics, Adrian Zandberg works as a programmer and lectures at the Polsko-Japońska Akademia Technik Komputerowych (Polish-Japanese Academy of Computer Science).

Information valid as of winter 2017.