Posts Tagged :

Soviet Union

Utopia, Modernisation, Terror – 100 years after October 1917
150 150 Time To Talk
Krytyka Polityczna looks back at the Russian Revolution one hundred years on, asking what we can learn from it and looking at both the dangers and opportunities provided by utopian ideologies.
Watch the video highlights!
In the margins of Europe: Russia
150 150 Time To Talk
CCCB and CIDOB take a look at Europe from its fringes. Starting with two discussions on Russia, this series encourages reflection on the European project, adopting the perspectives of its geographic and symbolic peripheries.
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Visions of women’s liberation, 1917-1936
150 150 Time To Talk
With laws on domestic violence topping the Duma's to do list, Memorial host Wendy Goldman to look back at the history of women's liberation in 20th century Russia. How did early Soviet reformers envisage womanhood, how many of their ideals were they able to realise and what has the legacy of these reforms been?
Watch the video of the debate!