Mathieu Segers

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SegersMathieu Segers (1976, the Netherlands) is a professor of contemporary European history and European integration at Maastricht University and the dean of University College Maastricht.

He has previously been a Fulbright-Schuman fellow at Harvard University’s Centre for European Studies and a senior research fellow at the University of Oxford’s Department of Politics and International Relations. And, from 2008-2016, he was an associate professor of European integration and international relations at Utrecht University.

His specialist fields of research are international financial economic governance, Franco-German relations, transatlantic relations and European integration past and present. And, his recent publications include Europa en de terugkeer van de geschiedenis [Europe and the Return of History] (Prometheus, 2016), Waagstuk Europe: Nederland en de grote Europese vraagstukken van vandaag [The European Wager: The Netherlands and the Challenges Facing Europe Today] (Prometheus, 2014) and Reis naar het continent. Nederland en de Europese integratie, 1950 tot heden [A Trip to the Continent: The Netherlands and European Integration since the 1950s] (Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2013).

Information valid as of spring 2017.