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Believe it or not: crises of credibility
326 326 Time To Talk
Fake news, populism, the bubble: these expressions have become intrinsically associated with the current political era and frame our thinking in an era of uncertainty. Yet, what lies behind the rise in disingenuity and the collapse of universal public spheres and what can be done about it?
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Understanding the populist turn: populism, an east-west divide?
326 326 Time To Talk
Ulrike Guérot, Jan-Werner Müller & Sławomir Sierakowski discuss populism's continued rise. This debate focuses on Europe's so-called east-west divide, analysing the different forms that populism takes throughout the continent and the socio-political factors behind such.
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Good populism, bad populism?
150 150 Time To Talk
Populism is the word on everyone's lips, be it for describing Brexit, Trump or the AfD, but what about left wing parties like Podemos & SYRIZA and politicians like Macron and the many mainstream copycat proponents of "a new direction"? What is populism & why do some populisms get better press than others?
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Does anti-European rhetoric offer alternatives to European democracy?
150 150 Time To Talk
Post-Brexit Europe continues to find itself threatened by a return to nationalist sentiment. This debate looks at anti-European rhetoric and asks both how it can be countered and whether it in fact offers any alternatives to European democracy.
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Is Europe taking a right turn?
150 150 Time To Talk
Lately, every new election seems to bring a "shock" result for the right, with parties with views commonly considered to be extreme becoming real political competitors from France to Poland and from Sweden to Italy. This TTT debate with Chantal Mouffe, Gilles Kepel and Phillip Blom asks what is behind this apparent move to the right and whether we should be concerned.
Watch the video of the debate!